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                     Developing an Emotionally Literate School. 
"It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood". (Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing - Public Health Doc. Mar 2015)


'Blueskies' also offers consultancy and training to enable schools to develop emotionally literate classrooms through a whole school approach to SEMH. 





This document sets out key actions that headteachers and college principals can take to embed a whole school approach to promoting emotional health and wellbeing. These actions are informed by evidenceiv, v, vi, vii and practitioner feedback1 about what works. They build on what many schools and colleges are doing across the country but, if applied consistently and comprehensively will help protect and promote student emotional health and wellbeing. We pose one key question in each chapter aimed at helping the reader to reflect on implications for practice, and we give some examples of local practice. 


Blueskies understands that a pre-requiste to maximising all children's learning is that pupils are socially and emotionally schools a wider and partnership to support all children and young people in Hertfordshire to achieve health and wellbeing.

Improving mental health and psychological wellbeing directly affects pupils’ ability to learn effectively, achieve their potential and flourish socially and emotionally. Schools may wish to focus on aspects as part of their Hertfordshire Healthy School Programme.

We can offer brokered support to all phase schools and other settings. This includes:

  • Universal level preventative workshops for pupils 

  • Staff training for whole school or specific groups such as support staff or pastoral staff 

Outcomes to accessing support for emotional health and wellbeing for your school can include:

  • Greater staff awareness 

  • Increased levels of confidence among staff 

  • Greater capacity to intervene early 

  • Improved peer and pupil / staff relationships 

  • Stronger school ethos and sense of community 

  • Improved behaviour and learning 

  • Academic and personal achievement 

  • Stronger pupil voice 

  • Increased potential for partnership working 

  • Reducing stigma 

  • Contributing to the continuum of care 

  • Improved outcomes for vulnerable individuals 

For further information on consultancy, training and events please contact:

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