Becoming a Trauma Informed School
(Putting Relationships and Connection at the heart of your school).
Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E.s) traumatise children.
Statistics show that a significant number of pupils in every school will have suffered from trauma.
This trauma is impacting negatively on their learning, behaviour and mental health.
Michael Gregory, a Senior Attorney on the staff of the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative and Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, shares the five core ideas of Helping Traumatized Children Learn

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic stress

What do we mean by Trauma ?
There is now widely accepted research and many studies both in the UK and in the USA showing trauma resulting from Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E.’s) such as domestic violence, neglect, abuse and dysfunctional home environments has a profound negative impact on a child’s behavioural, health and social outcomes. Studies show that the more A.C.E.’s a child is exposed to, the greater the impact on learning, behaviour, attendance and health outcomes.
Trauma, in this context then, refers to the simultaneous or sequential occurrences of child maltreatment—including emotional abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, witnessing domestic violence and dysfunctional home environments (A.C.E.’s).
What does ‘Becoming Trauma Informed’ mean ?
Understanding the nature and prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E’s).
Understanding the connection between A.C.E.’s and the impact it has on a child’s learning, behaviour, ability to form relationships and life outcomes.
Understanding the ‘brain science’ that causes certain behaviours
Understand a child’s brain develops in response to their environments
Acknowledging that ‘challenging’ children are ‘distressed children
Seeing beyond the behaviour … and that behaviour is communication
Developing an approach that minimises risk factors and promotes resilience
What does ‘Trauma Informed Approach’ training include?
The ‘Brain Science’ behind certain behaviours and the impact of A.C.E.’s on brain development
The importance of developing a relationship: empathy, active and empathetic listening, consistency, predicability, relationship building techniques, emotion coaching etc. How key persons can make a big difference
Establishing an SEMH toolkit (strategies that promote resilience and protective measures)
Developing self awareness, self regulation and problem solving (focus on anger and anxiety).
Developing emotional literacy in pupils - helping pupils understand their emotions.
Developing self esteem, motivation, and a sense of belonging - strength based approaches.
Friendship and peer acceptance techniques.
How to develop ‘acts of kindness’ and ‘positive psychology’ to enhance well-being.
Developing emotional literacy in pupils - responding to over whelming feelings and limit setting.
Emotional literacy interventions: anger and anxiety programmes.
The negative impact of shame
Evaluating / Assessing Emotional Literacy Interventions
Physical Resource box to support interventions / strategies (additional cost).
If you are interested in booking this course or meeting to discuss further please contact us below.
jennifer@blueskies-playtherapy.co.uk. howard@blueskies-playtherapy.co.uk