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Age-by-age suggestions for educating children about their bodies & body safety, and empowering t

And as parents, we teach our children about water safety and road safety—we make sure they wear their armbands and that they know they must hold our hands and look both ways before crossing the road.

But are we taking the time to incorporate body safety into our parenting conversations? I understand, it’s an intimidating topic to discuss. What should I say? How should I say it? I can’t even imagine anything bad happening to my child—it’s too scary to think about, etc. But avoiding it won’t do anyone any good. Keeping an open line of communication can make a difference in a child’s life.

All children develop and mature in their own time, so please, use your best judgement on what lessons you believe your child is capable of understanding for their age/development. While our first goal is to protect children from abuse, by tackling the often ignored issues of human reproduction & sexuality, we're also striving to raise children that understand their bodies, feel comfortable and confident, and hopefully feel comfortable discussing their bodies and sexuality with parents and guardians that love and support them. Even more, we hope these lessons will diminish the number of abusers by raising children that understand sexual abuse is wrong - with the ability to better empathize and respect the rights and feelings of others"

Click on the links below to find excellent guidance for:

Protecting & Empowering Your Infant to Toddler

Primary age children (under 'grade school')

Tween - teens (10+)

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